







A place that embraces people and the actions of life.

Where there are people, a variety of actions emerge.
Walking, sitting, eating, buying, resting …
When another person joins, the actions multiply.
Meeting, talking, gathering, playing, working …

The more actions people create, the more complex
and rich the space becomes. And through these actions, relationships
and a sense of belonging are nurtured. Isn’t this how a city is formed?

Com-ion aims to be a space that embraces both "people" and "actions."
Like a warm vessel or an open home,
we want to envelop both "people" and "actions."
We hope the relationships and attachments born here
will spread outwards, creating a pleasant rhythm for the city.

Feel free to stop by anytime,
and experience all kinds of actions.

What will you do here today?


Floor Map

  • 当物件は明治四十五年に建てられた青山家の住宅跡地に位置しています。白川に隣接し、当時は水車を活用し米の脱穀も行われていました。母屋、倉庫、および離れの三棟の建物で構成されており、現代では再現できない趣のある丁寧な作りのため、建物の構造や仕上げを生かしたリノベーション方法で、2024年11月に、街に開かれた複合施設「com-ion」として生まれ変わりました。平安神宮まで徒歩10分、祇園まで徒歩15分の便利な立地にあり、伝統的な町家が立ち並ぶ風情あるエリアで、周囲には美しい白川が流れ穏やかな時間を過ごすことができます。


All-day Dining
A dining table where the flame stays lit throughout the day

When the flame is lit, people naturally gather. Moments of warming the body,
savoring meals, and sharing conversations. Around the fire,
cherished moments that matter in daily life are always created.

HiTOHi is an all-day dining space that transitions
from morning to afternoon and night.
It’s a place where everyone can enjoythe flavors, experiencing
the essence of seasonal ingredients and their fleeting beauty.

We offer a sense of brightness and warmth that invites you to return.
Here, a dining table lit by the flame awaits you throughout the day.

Ceramic Studio
The Story of Time Told Through Pottery

What kind of scene do you imagine from a single piece of pottery?
A cozy space, the colors and flavors of ingredients,
the faces of those you share moments with. Here,
you can encounter pottery that hints at the beginning of a story.

These pieces are born from the meetings and dialogues
between artisans and chefs. Toki no Ha is a new Kiyomizu-yaki brand
that revives each unique piece of tailor-made, unused stock.

What you find here are fragments of stories left behind by chance.
Look, touch, and choose freely by instinct.
May your rich story begin at Toki no Ha.

Coworking Space
The Soil Where Insights and Learning Circulate

When does the “future” begin to sprout?

Planting a single seed might not be enough to bring it to life.
But when people, places, ideas, and aspirations come together,
the seed grows strong and thrives.

Soil Work is a coworking space designed for collaborative “soil work”
toward building that future a space rooted in dialogue
and organic connections among its members.
Here, people naturally gather as they move between different hubs,
creating a dynamic flow of insights and learning.

This is more than just a place to “work.” It’s a space to live fully
and meaningfully. We invite you to cultivate your “work” and vision
for the future in this fertile ground.

Cafe & Shop
Like a bird gazing at the water’s surface by the riverside

Standing idly by the riverbank,
time feels as though it flows more slowly when gazing at the water’s surface.

Hotori is a space for soaking in moments of pause.
A step away from the busyness of daily life, a chance to take a deep breath.
With a cup of coffee or a glass of wine in hand, biting into a sandwich,
and watching the flow of the Shirakawa river before you, a natural,
refreshing energy begins to emerge.

A place that’s visible, yet just slightly out of the way.
Why not immerse yourself in that space of pause?